Hobbit (The)


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Path between the gold
Mountains of gold
Vaulting to the balcony
Necklace of Girion
Sliding down to Smaug
Golden Cup of Thror
Escaping with the cup
Running past the dragon
Smaug awakens
Thorin is a bit ambitious
How to slay Smaug
Smaug awaits Bilbo
the ring conceals Bilbo from Smaug
Hiding and concealing
Approaching the alert Smaug
High up and cloaked
Nice titles
Smaug is one bad ass
Smaug's weak spot
Bilbo knows the weak spot
Smaug catches Bilbo
Escaping Smaug's flames
Escaping Smaug's flames
Escaping Smaug's flames
Escaping Smaug's flames
That was close... and hot
Now Smaug is really mad!
The dwarves escape in the mountain
Trapped inside Smaug's lair
The dwarves entered Smaug's lair
Need to cross the chasm
Bombur wants the golden serving dish
Balin wants the spears
Dwalin wants the necklace
Gloin wants the giant ruby
Running across gold piles
Ground level of Smaug's lair
On the first balcony
Spears of King Bladorthin
Extreme pole vault
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