Hobbit (The)


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Other side of the chasm
Following narrow ledges
Upper platforms
On the upper platforms
Giant golden serving dish
Giant ruby
Return to the dwarves
Going down the chasm
Going down the chasm
A bridge of some sort
The bottom of the chasm
Blocking water holes
Escaping the rising water
Stay ahead of the rising water
Heading for the floating wood
The water rises further
Almost out of the chasm
The dwarves have crossed the chasm
Ready to enter Erebor
Entering Erebor
Quiet night in Laketown
Light at Lonely Mountain
Dragon fire
Laketown by night
Smaug appears in the distance
The villager panics
Smaug prepares his attack
Flames well up in Smaug's throat
Smaug spits fire
Smaug attacks Laketown
People flee Laketown
The thrush tells about the weak spot
Laketown on fire
Bard searches the weak spot
Bard prepares the Black Arrow
Bard aims carefully
Go now and speed well
Smaug is hit!
Smaug plunges to his death
Roac tells the news
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