Phantasmagoria (Roberta Williams')


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The library
Reading an old article
Carno's show
The library
Checking the books
Checking the books
Carno's desk
Searching Carno's desk
Carno's letter
Looking up the fireplace
A chapel behind the fireplace
Peeking through the hole
Cutting the cement away
Removing more bricks
More bricks are removed
The hole is getting bigger
A hole like the Sierra logo
Going into the chapel
The chapel
The chapel
The chapel
Carno's family tree
Reading Carno's family tree
The hinges fall off
Adrienne finds the hinge
Adrienne can't attach the hinge
The demon escapes
The demon heads for Don
Don lies on the floor
Do hurt his head
Adrienne looks at Don's injury
Don gives up for the day
Chapter 2
Adrienne works on her PC
Don calls Adrienne
Did you get drain cleaner?
Adrienne forgot about the drain cleaner
Don gets mad
Don gets mad
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