The objective of Cribbage is to move your pegs around the track and reach the finish line before your opponent does. As soon as one player reaches the finish line, all play stops and the game is over. Points are scored in a variety of ways both during the play of the hand and during the showing of the hand.
Each player is dealt six cards. The deck is placed near the dealer and one card from the deck is turned face up and placed on top of the deck. This card is the starter. If the starter is a jack, the dealer scores two points.
After the deal, each player chooses two cards from their hand and places them in the crib hand. The crib hand is a special hand that belongs to the dealer and only comes into play during the showing of the hands. After both players have made their discards to the crib, the play begins with the nondealer.
Players, in turn, may play any card as long as the count does not exceed 31. Each card played adds to the count. Aces count 1. Face cards count 10. All other cards count their face value. If a player cannot make a play because the count would go over 31, he passes by saying "Go". When a "Go" is given, the other player continues to play cards in any order as long as the count remains 31 or less. When this player cannot play, the count begins again at zero with the player saying "Go" first.
When all eight cards have been played, the play ends and the showing of the cards begins. The nondealer shows first, then the dealer shows, then the dealer shows his crib hand. In all three hands, the starter is included as if it were part of each hand. After the showing of the hands, the next hand begins. All cards played in the previous round of 31 are out of play.
You can enable or disable Muggins. By default it is disabled.
You can sort the cards ascending, descending or leave them unsorted.
During the PLAY, scoring consists of:
- making the count 15 or 31: 2 points
- PAIRS: playing a card of the same rank as the previous card played: 2 points
- PAIR ROYAL: playing a card which is the third in a row of the same rank: 6 points
- DOUBLE ROYAL: playing a card which is the fourth in a row of the same rank: 12 points
- RUNS - Sequences of cards of any suit that can be arranged by ranks, regardless the order they are played: 1 point per card in the sequence. (During the play, there could be a run of up to seven cards.)
- GO: The player who is told to "Go" (only when the count ends at less than 31): 1 point
- LAST CARD (only if the last card played does not make the count 31): 1 point
Scoring during the SHOWING is as follows:
- Each combination of two or more cards that total 15: 2 points.
- PAIRS: 2 points
- THREE OF A KIND (pair royal): 6 points
- FOUR OF A KIND (double royal): 12 points
- RUNS: Each combination of cards that form a sequence of three or more cards: 1 point per card
- FLUSHES: If the four cards in your hand are of the same suit: 4 points
- FLUSH with starter card of the same suit (instead of regular flush): 5 points (only five card flushes in the crib hand are scored)
- NOBS: If a jack in the hand is the same suit as the starter: 1 point
- MUGGINS (optional): In both the play of the hands and in the showing of the hands, points may be taken that the other player either missed or overcalled. If the score is inaccurate, the other player may call "Muggins" and then score the difference between the actual points and the points called. The player who misscored keeps the points that were pegged unless too many points were taken in which case only the actual points are pegged by the inaccurate player.
- MATCH POINTS: 1 point per game won (2 or 4 points if more than 30 or 60 points scored in the game)
The player to reach seven match points wins the Cribbage match.
Note - The point for "Go" will always be scored automatically whether the Muggins option is on or off. When the Muggins option is on, do not enter a point for the "Go" on the Muggins Panel.