Checkers is an ancient game of strategy where opponents try to capture all of the other players' pieces or render them immobile. Each player has 12 checkers (called pawns) which may only move forward on the diagonals. When a pawn advances to the opponent's back row, that pawn becomes a King and may now move backwards on the diagonals as well as forward. Pieces may move to empty squares only.
All pieces move only 1 space at a time unless you can make a jump (a capture), in which case you may move two spaces to the empty space just beyond the opponent's piece. Pieces which are jumped are removed from the board.
After a jump, if there is another jump that can be made by the same piece that did the jumping, the player must also jump the next piece and so on until there are no more jumps. It is not allowable to continue a jump in which a pawn was made into a King. The move stops at the king row.
If a piece CAN make a jump, then the piece MUST make a jump. If there is more than one jump that can be made, the player may choose which jump to make.
If at any time, a player has lost all his pawns, or is blocked so that he cannot make any move (a stalemate), then that player loses the game.
You can select the playing piece (regular pawns or frogs) by clicking on their icon.
If the game is going nowhere (endless moving around of pawns without an opportunity to capture or be captured), you can request a draw. If the opponent refuses the draw, the game proceeds.
If things are really hopeless, you can resign from the game. This will give the opponent victory.