Crazy Nick's Software Picks: King Graham's Board Game Challenge



In this screen you can select which game to play. Clicking the "About Games" button brings up the "About Menu", where you can see game play instructions, help on the menu bar, info on other Crazy Nicks and other Sierra titles, and game credits.
Clicking on "Quit Games" makes you exit the game.


Menu bar

In the main menu or during game play, bring the cursor to the top of the screen to reveal the menu bar.

Control: this brings up the control panel (see below).
Options: While playing a game, this displays the game options.
Score: While playing a game, this brings up the current score card of the game you're playing.
Rules: While playing a game, this brings up the game rules of the game you're playing.
Help: the cursor changes into a question mark. Click it on any control for a pop-up that explains what the control is for.

Control panel

Access the control panel by clicking the "Control" button in the menu bar.

Games: this brings you to the main menu so you can select a game to play. If you're still in a game, it will quit the game you're currently playing.
Quit: Exits King Graham's Board Game Challenge and returns you to DOS.
Replay: While playing a game, this will restart the game.
About: Displays the game credits.
Help: the cursor changes into a question mark. Click it on any control for a pop-up that explains what the control is for.
OK: Saves the slider settings and closes the control panel and returns to the previous screen.

The "Text" slider determines how long text boxes are displayed before disappearing.
The "Volume" slider determines the volume of the music and sound effects.