Dan Woolard

Easter Eggs

Leisure Suit Larry VI: Shape Up or Slip Out (Egg id: 147)

Dial the following numbers on Larry's phone in his hotel room:
- 911. They ask to leave a message.
- 976, followed by 4 random numbers (eg. 976 1234) to access La Costa Lotta's sex line.
- 18724## (lo-res) or 683-4468 (any): Mark "Ceeburp" (referring to Mark Seibert) answers the phone of Sierra On-Line while the song "Girl in the Tower" (jokingly called "Girl In The Shower") from King's Quest 6 plays in the background.
- 16659## (lo-res): Victor Sadauskas answers the phone.
- 23292##: Al Lowe answers
- 275####: William R. Shockley answers.
- 34555##: Dan Woolard answers.
- 47653##: The Sadauskas Residence answers
- 5695### (lo-res) or 49852## (hi-res): Chris Carr answers.
- 58704## (lo-res) or 40942## (any): Carlos Escobar answers. Same as the "Concierge's Desk", but with a greeting "You've reached the Fresno Insult Line" in lo-res, and "Carlos Insult Line" in hi-res.

Leisure Suit Larry VI: Shape Up or Slip Out (Egg id: 481)

When knocking on Thunderbird's door, she answers with "Woolard's World of Leather? I'll be right there!". This is likely a reference to Dan Woolard who did QA for the game.

Police Quest IV: Open Season (Egg id: 130)

When you're not in the company of Sam and Julie, you can play the arcade game in the Short Stop Bar. It's titled "Stroids, another fine adventure from the Sierra family of games". At the end of the game you'll see the high scores, containing both names of Sierra game characters (Larry Laffer, Sony Bonds) and Sierra employees (Chris Carr, Dan Woolard, Daryl Gates and Lyle Lovett).