Easter Eggs in King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
Egg id: 5
In the pawnshop, look at the items on the shelf next to the bear. You will find:
- "a hull-hole detector for finding those hard-to-spot holes in small sailboats", referring to the sailboat in King's Quest V.
- "cat-cookie mix.", referring to King's Quest III.
- "a golden bridle finder, for those nearly-invisible golden bridles", referring to King's Quest IV.
- "self-adhesive emeralds, what you use when you don't have honey", referring to King's Quest V.
- "tongue climbing gear, testd on over one hundred whale tongues", referring to King's Quest IV.
- "a uvula tickler", again referring to King's Quest IV.
- a Cheese hook, for retrieving cheese out of small holes", referring to King's Quest V.
- "a shovel that's guaranteed not to break for over one-hundred grave diggings", referring to King's Quest IV.
- "a bridge repair kit, for when you've crossed a bridge one too many times", referring to King's Quest II.
- "stair traction pads: stop slipping off those narrow staircases", referring to multiple previous King's Quest games.
Behind the stage curtain in the theater in Tenebrous, you can hear several performances:
- Girl in the Tower from King's Quest VI
- the Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist theme
- the Leisure Suit Larry theme (which quickly ends with a cymbal crash and Al Lowe sputtering "B-b-b-but? Aww..." and a walk offstage)
- Cellblock Love from Leisure Suit Larry 6
- Consumite Furore, the Phantasmagoria title song
- The music from King Rupert's palace in Escarpa.
Programmer Bob Andrews added the room known as "the room removed for legal reasons". It was... well... removed for legal reasons, but is still in the resource files of the CD-ROM release. According to Bob, you accessed this room by typing in Sierra's phone number and Scott's extension into the time pod's keyboard. It could be accessed by typing the following 3 codes in the time pod. Make sure to save the game before trying this because, once in the room, you can't leave it any more.
The room itself is taken from King's Quest 6 (the secret passage Alexander accesses to find Cassima). Only the staircase and frontal brickwork have been removed.
From left to right, the items removed for legal reasons are:
- Slug Chow: A parody of the Ralston Purina Company's Dog and Puppy Chow. This was likely considered questionable because Purina owned Everready Battery Company. Sierra had already drawn the legal ire of the company due to the Energizer Bunny Mishap. The death scene by the sewer blob and the sea slug, showing this "slime chow", was replaced in the CD version with an alternate image.
- Hero's Quest was the original title for the Quest For Glory series, but was later changed because of copyright issues involving the "Hero's Quest" board game.
- The two long bearded men are from the music group ZZ-Top. Originally appearing in the Rocket Bar in the VGA version of Space Quest 1, they were removed after a lawsuit against Sierra for using their likenesses without permission.
- The dinosaur on the wall is the character Earl Sinclair from the Disney produced television series, Dinosaurs. He appeared in the VGA remake of the first Quest for Glory game.
- The Radio Shock sign was removed from the Galaxy Galleria in Space Quest 4 and replaced with Hz. So Good in the CD release, due to its similarity to electronics supply story chain, Radio Shack.
- The Droids R Us sign from the original EGA version of Space Quest 1. Later versions of the game had the name changed to Droids B Us due to liability issues of the name's similarities to the toy store chain Toys R Us.
Dial the following numbers on Larry's phone in his hotel room:
- 911. They ask to leave a message.
- 976, followed by 4 random numbers (eg. 976 1234) to access La Costa Lotta's sex line.
- 18724## (lo-res) or 683-4468 (any): Mark "Ceeburp" (referring to Mark Seibert) answers the phone of Sierra On-Line while the song "Girl in the Tower" (jokingly called "Girl In The Shower") from King's Quest 6 plays in the background.
- 16659## (lo-res): Victor Sadauskas answers the phone.
- 23292##: Al Lowe answers
- 275####: William R. Shockley answers.
- 34555##: Dan Woolard answers.
- 47653##: The Sadauskas Residence answers
- 5695### (lo-res) or 49852## (hi-res): Chris Carr answers.
- 58704## (lo-res) or 40942## (any): Carlos Escobar answers. Same as the "Concierge's Desk", but with a greeting "You've reached the Fresno Insult Line" in lo-res, and "Carlos Insult Line" in hi-res.