Phantasmagoria (Roberta Williams')


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Chapter 3
Having a pick nick
Don is in a bad mood
Spazz arrives
You need some rest
A sudden headache
Pick nick is over
Adrienne hears something
Somebody is behind the tree
Who is there?
Cyrus jumps out
Cyrus asks for help
Cyrus' mom is stuck
Cyrus' mom is stuck
Adrienne climbs up
Harriet can't be pulled out
Harriet is stuck
A pitchfork doesn't work either
Hooking a cable
Tying Harriet
Cyrus pulls Harriet out
Harriet is upset
Harriet introduces herself
Pulling out a nail
Discussion with Harriet
Harriet and Cyrus will help around the house
Harriet reads Adrienne's palm
Preparing lunch
Cyrus caught a rabbit
Adrienne gives the tarot cards
Harriet will do a tarot reading
Evil is watching you
More has been drunk
The newspaper trick
An attic
Entering Malcolm's room
Malcolm's room
An autographed book
Sitting on Malcolm's bed
A greenhouse can be seen
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